Parking reservation

at Rzeszow-Jasionka Airport

Privacy Policy


We use cookies to improve the functionality of our website and make it work better for our users. Cookies can be downloaded onto a user’s computer when they visit our website. Users can refuse to store cookies on their computers, but this will limit the functionality of our website. You may refuse to accept cookies by activating appropriate settings on your browser.

Collecting data via Google Analytics

Our website uses a web analytics service called Google Analytics. Both Google and its Google Analytics service use cookies. Cookies are small text files placed on a user’s computer to track website usage. Google Analytics collects information about the user’s operating system, web browser, IP address, previously visited websites (referring websites’ URLs), and the date and time of the user’s visit. This website usage information from a cookie is transmitted to Google’s US-based server where it is then stored. Google uses this information to analyse the use of our website by users, compile activity reports for website operators, and provide other services related to website and internet usage. Google provides this information to third parties if this is required by law or if those parties process those data on behalf of Google. This type of usage is anonymous and involves pseudonymous data.

For more information about this please go to

Collecting and storing website usage data

To make our website work better, we collect and store certain information, such as website access times and dates or the addresses of referring websites. The process is anonymous and does not identify users individually. User profiles that are created are also pseudonymous and no relationship can be established between pseudonymous users and any collected usage data. To collect and store such data, we use cookies. Cookies are small text files placed onto a user’s computer to store various statistical data, such as the user’s operating system, software application used to access web pages (web browser), IP addresses, previously visited websites (referring websites’ URLs) or the times of visits. We only collect such data for statistical purposes and with a view to improving our website and make our internet presence more attractive. All such data are collected and stored anonymously or using pseudonyms. No relationship can be established between them and any specific user.

Data processing

Your data controller is Apcoa Parking Polska Sp. z o. o. of Warsaw, Rondo ONZ 1, company registered number 0000129400 (Apcoa).

We collect, process and store our users’ personal data for the following purposes only:

  • To enter into and perform a contract if personal data are provided to perform it, including for accounting purposes (such as invoicing), in-house and external debt recovery processes, or complaint handling operations;
  • Where data are processed based on data subject’s consent – only within the scope and for the purposes of such consent;
  • To pursue the controller’s legitimate purposes, such as, without limitation, direct marketing of products and services or customer satisfaction surveys.

Our users’ personal data will not be transferred to third parties if this is not necessary to provide a service or perform a contract. However, personal data may be transferred to third parties for debt recovery or claim enforcement purposes, and to our IT providers, accounting service providers, marketing agencies (for marketing services), and the Controller’s related parties, including other members of its corporate group. We will also transfer those data to public authorities and bodies which have the right to access them, to comply with our legal obligation to disclose them, or where we are required to disclose them pursuant to a court order.

At Apcoa, we take privacy of data very seriously. Our employees and subcontractors are required to maintain the confidentiality of data and comply with data protection laws, and access to such data is only granted to properly authorised persons.

We exercise due care to ensure that personal data are processed within the European Union, and where they are transferred outside the EU, we make sure they are only used for the purposes for which they were collected and that they are stored with adequate safeguards in place. We do not process personal data in, or entrust their processing to, non-EU countries, and if this was necessary, we make sure they are processed solely by entities that ensure an adequate level of protection.

Your rights as a user

As a user, you have the right to obtain information about your personal data being processed, the right to access those data or request that we rectify, complete or change them. You are entitled to all of this at any time, free of charge and without having to give any reasons. You may request at any time that we erase any data we hold about you (‘right to be forgotten’) or that their processing be restricted. As a user, you also have the right to data portability, and the right to object to your data being processed for the legitimate purposes of Apcoa as the Controller, including for the direct marketing of its products or services, or profiling. You also have the right not to be subject to any decision based solely on automated data processing.

As a user, you may also withdraw your consent to your data being processed or used. You may do this at any time and without having to give any reasons for it. To do it, please go to our “Legal Disclaimer” page and either write to at address specified there or call at the number you will see there. A consent may not be withdrawn if:

  • the data subject fails to provide sufficient identification;
  • there is a law that allows processing even if consent is withdrawn.

Please also note the following:

  • While as a data subject you have the right of access to data and the right to obtain information about them, you may not actively exercise this right more than once every six months. If this is done more frequently, we will charge a fee of PLN 50, payable to our account …, before we act on your request. The fee is permitted by law and will cover our reasonable expenses in connection with your right of access.
  • While you have the right to request erasure of your data, especially if they are no longer needed for the purposes for which they were collected, we are not required to erase your data if their processing is necessary:
    • for exercising the right of freedom of expression and information;
    • for compliance with a legal obligation which requires processing by Union or Polish law or for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest, especially to comply with the Accounting Act;
    • for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes;
    • for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

We are always willing to answer any questions you might have concerning data privacy and personal data processing. Please bear in mind that the data privacy and processing policies, for example those used by Google, may change at any time. Therefore, it is necessary and recommended that you keep abreast of any changes in legislation or policies employed by different companies, including Google.

Other information

Data subjects who believe that we process their personal data unlawfully may lodge a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Office (Urząd Ochrony Danych Osobowych), ul. Stawki 2, Warsaw.

To ensure the highest level of security in our data processing operations, we have appointed a Data Protection Officer at Apcoa who may be contacted via e-mail at daneosobowe[at] or by writing to our company’s address.